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Please Cite This Work

You are welcomed to use DMRG++ and publish data obtained with it. If you do, please cite this work. Thanks for your interest in Lanczos++!


Lanczos++ is a free and open source Hamiltonian code for strongly correlated electrons. It can use Lanczos and exact diagonalization to solve the models.

Quick Start

$ cd someDirectory/
$ git clone https://github.com/g1257/PsimagLite.git
$ git clone https://github.com/g1257/LanczosPlusPlus.git
$ cd PsimagLite/lib
$ perl configure.pl
 (You may now edit Config.make)
$ make
$ cd ../../
$ cd LanczosPlusPlus/src
$ perl configure.pl
 (You may now edit Config.make)
$ make
$ ./lanczos -f input0.inp

Lanczos takes the same inputs as DMRG++ but can only solve small systems. Documentation is in progress.