Paper 77

Density matrix renormalization group study of a three-orbital Hubbard model with spin-orbit coupling in one dimension, by N. Kaushal, J. Herbrych, A. Nocera, G. Alvarez, A. Moreo, F. A. Reboredo, and E. Dagotto, Phys. Rev. B 96, 155111(2017)

Input for (1) : dmrgpp/TestSuite/inputs/input5800.inp Please use SolverOptions=fixLegacyBugs,useComplex for this paper. Nitin says I also checked Dynamics for SOC model with DMRG++ and my lanczos, they are on top of each other.. For 1-point obervable:

./observe -f input.inp "<gs|A|gs>"

For 2-point observable,

 ./observe -f input.inp "<gs|A;B|gs>"

If you are doing dynamics, measure "<gs|A_{i} (1/H-EG +i*eta)B_{c}|gs>", where B acts on central site and A is measured on all sites i. Very important to use fixLegacyBugs here!

Nitin says

If in case you need to put these bash files and small scripts to create all the weird operators (Like Lz,Lx,Ly, Delta, Delta_dagger, n{j,m}) which I use SOC projects. These files create the 64x64 matrices, which I use to measure various physical quantities.