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Compiling and running

After downloading you can compile DMRG++ code with:

$ cd PsimagLite/lib
$ perl configure.pl
 (You may now edit Config.make)
$ make
$ cd ../../dmrgpp/src
$ perl configure.pl
 (You may now edit Config.make)
$ make

and run it with

$ cp ../TestSuite/inputs/input2.inp .
$ ./dmrg -f ../TestSuite/inputs/input2.inp 

After it finishes, data will be saved in data2.txt. You can run

grep Energy data2.txt

to obtain the energies for all steps of the algorithm.

Obtaining Static Observables

Observables can be obtained post-processing by compiling and running the observer code:

$ make observe
$ ./observe -f input2.inp cc

The output will be a n times n/2 matrix for <c+i cj> in i, and j. Other possibilities include nn for <ni nj> correlations, and szsz for spin-z correlations.

Where to find more documentation

There's plenty of documentation for DMRG++.